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quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2014

Ross Lynch & Calum Worthy: Premiere de Big Hero 6

Ross Lynch e Calum Worthy estiveram presentes na premiere do novo filme da Disney Big Hero 6 no El Capitan Theatre em Hollywood,Califórnia nesta terça,4 de novembro.Ross esteve acompanhado de sua família (e companheiros da banda R5) e fez questão de posar com o amigo e colega de Austin & Ally no tapete vermelho.

Ross Lynch - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Red Carpet
Riker,Ross,Rydel,Ratliff e Rocky no tapete vermelho
Ross Lynch - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Red Carpet

Ross Lynch - Los Angeles Premiere Of Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Big Hero 6" - Red Carpet

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Ross Lynch - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Arrivals

Ross Lynch - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Arrivals

Ross Lynch - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Arrivals

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ross lynch new film big hero 6 premiere 02

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ross lynch new film big hero 6 premiere 04

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Calum Worthy - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Arrivals
Calum Worthy
Calum Worthy - Premiere Of Disney's "Big Hero 6" - Arrivals

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R5 em entrevista para a Radio Disney 
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Calum em entrevista a Radio Disney

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Ross e Megan Richie,a Esmeralda de Austin & Ally

Veja entrevistas de R5 e Calum na premiere:

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